Frequently Asked Questions

  • Yes we are based and sent out of Cornerstone Church in Johannesburg, South Africa. We serve as a part of the leadership team and believe firmly in being a part of and sent from a local church.

  • You may call us directly: +27836315347
    Or use e-mail:
    Please see our itinerary to help you see a possible opportunity on this website.

  • Yes we do. As we see in Acts 9:34 and 28:30 we have spent from 3 – 6 weeks in a church and at times 3 months in one nation to serve, build, equip and empower churches.

  • If I could outline in point form below:

    1. Run week-long or longer meetings to awaken churches and communities to the power and presence of the Holy Spirit by winning souls and healing the sick. Simply Revival.
    2. Work with groups of churches in any given region to do the above.
      Teach and demonstrate on Divine Healing and Miracles.
    3. To conduct open-air power evangelism events in villages, towns and cities among the nations.
    4. In 1 – 3 above: mentor leaders and evangelists to carry the baton of the gospel and run their race.
    5. Equip and Empower Meetings in churches, based on The Apostolic Evangelist, Divine Healing and Missions.
  • We are supported through the gifts and donations from churches and individuals.

  • Yes we do. We love to do this with church planting in any nation around the world. Please contact me as above.

  • Yes on you tube and on our website there are certain topics we have covered. We also suggest you go to the websites of past and recent churches we have spoken into and access their websites for their recordings of us.

  • As shown on the website our books are available on Amazon, and Kindle. We do have limited stock of printed copies.

  • Hand in Hand International is a PBO (Public Benefit Organisation) set up by Keir in the mid 1990’s in order to ensure that his ministry work was run through a recognised entity. Hand in Hand International is audited every year and run effectively with a board of directors.

  • We are a part of the New Covenant Ministries International team as our primary relationship. We are also linked into other apostolic teams world wide and are available to minister into any church that would invite us.

  • We have 3 simple ways that you can partner with us.

    1. Pray for us as we travel extensively to all corners of the globe.
    2. Purchase a copy of A Weapon in His Hands.
    3. You can donate finance online securely through our Payfast account. Or directly in to our bank account.