

Harvesting. 150 150 Keir Tayler

Report back from a trip to Inhaminga and Doro in Sofala province Mozambique.  I was invited by Afrika wa Jesu Ministries, to come and teach at their Conference and do the graduation ceremony at their Bible School. I have known Rod and Ellie who run Afrika wa Jesu since 1985 and have travelled with them…

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Have you ever preached this truth?

Have you ever preached this truth? 252 200 Keir Tayler

Question: “Did Jesus go to hell between His death and resurrection?” Answer: There is a great deal of confusion in regards to this question. The concept that Jesus went to hell after His death on the cross comes primarily from the Apostles’ Creed, which states, “He descended into hell.” There are also a few Scriptures…

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LAYING on of HANDS Question from “The Voice of Healing”.

LAYING on of HANDS Question from “The Voice of Healing”. 1880 1253 Keir Tayler

QUESTION The Gifts of the Spirit, and the use of them have me confused …I was prophesied over in a town several miles from here, by a man I had never seen before …he prophesied that I had the gift of miracles in my right arm. What shall I do with the gift? Often, when…

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The Combine to Harvest. Part 2

The Combine to Harvest. Part 2 4032 2438 Keir Tayler

I set about this at this ‘crusade’ – hence the plan given. I knew something was changing. To be on that same field where Jesus and the Holy Spirit had been before. I knew about T.L.Osborn – I had his book in my study at home and devoured his teachings. Not only that I read…

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The Combine to Harvest. Part 1

The Combine to Harvest. Part 1 2046 1012 Keir Tayler

Apostolic Evangelism. How do we evangelise large areas through open-air power evangelism? I hope to help in exposing the intricacies of such an event. We were invited, as a small apostolic team to the DRC to participate in an evangelistic outreach into a city. Here is what happened: Democratic Republic of Congo. 31 July –…

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The Evangelist and Evangelism.

The Evangelist and Evangelism. 1920 1276 Keir Tayler

Everybody has a view as to what an evangelist does, or how he or she ministers. 
Of the 5-fold ministry in the bible evangelists have the least recorded about them. 
The disciples wanted Jesus to stay in a city and continue what He was doing. But He said: Lk 4:43 “No, I cannot stay. I…

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LEGACY. 150 150 Keir Tayler

Christ for the Nations was the Bible School Callie and I attended from 1980-1982. We were students for the two years and at that time we had Jenni; who was two and a half years old, and Simon; who was 5 months old. Lisa, our youngest was born after we had returned to Africa. This…

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ROOTS. 751 414 Keir Tayler

W. V. Grant, an evangelist from the “Voice of Healing”, days would conduct two revival meetings a month. He spoke of another evangelist James Richard Dunn. We had the privilege of being under his ministry. Here are a few notes I made that impressed me: “It was Sunday night and the house was packed to…

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“The 2000”.

“The 2000”. 150 150 Keir Tayler

An extract from my second book, soon to be printed, “Sword, Fire and Oil”. The vegetation began to change. Mopani tree forests blended into the massive acacia trees, and we were walking in permanent shade. We began to cross many small streams as we wound our way on foot paths up and down small hills.…

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The Bird Cage.

The Bird Cage. 3024 4032 Keir Tayler

A man was on the side of the road with a large birdcage. A boy noticed that the cage was full of birds of many kinds. “Where did you get those birds?” he asked. “Oh, all over the place,” the man replied. “I lure them with crumbs, pretend I’m their friend then when they are…

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