“Tri Nations Tour 2015”

“Tri Nations Tour 2015”

“Tri Nations Tour 2015” 320 350 Keir Tayler

Callie and I would love to “take you with us” as we go to what I call a “Tri-Nation Tour”: Poland, Georgia and Germany. We want to share with you what God has and is doing in these nations:

In outline:

Two weeks in Poland. A week in Georgia, and ten days in Germany.

This would be our 14th year of going into beloved Poland. They are such a compassionate people so hospitable and desperate for the real things of God.

In this trip the churches will be coming together in three venues. Callie and I will also pioneer into a new cities/towns and churches, in between the Conference dates.

Through Ps. Tomasz Manko (Poland) we have access to Tbilisi in Georgia. He has recommended we come to Georgia with him (team leader) to share about our Dear Friend the Holy Spirit. He says they do not know Him like we do. So we have a week with Ps Tato and his friends in Georgia. What an awesome privilege.

1st report.

We left South Africa at midnight on Wednesday and flew to Holland then to Warsaw after a four-hour layover. Unfortunately just as we were about to board, one of Keir’s back teeth crumbled and the top half broke off.

In Warsaw we were picked up and drove another five hours to Swidnick.

The house we are staying at happens to be less than half a kilometer to a dentist who had EU state of the art equipment. We walked in and 15 mins later Keir’s tooth was extracted. God is amazing.

That night, still numb and a bit shaky we ministered to many people gathered for a young adults meeting in the adjacent town of Lublin.

Four people were born again and many came up for emotional and physical healings. One girl who had a blood disease fell under Gods power and after she got up she rushed over to me (Callie) with excitement and said, “I know I am healed I felt fire all over me and I still feel it. I saw an amazing light covering this whole room”; she was jumping and hugging me in excitement. Another one shouted out, “I can hear I could not and now I can”. Well that led to many coming forward and we saw God set the captive free.

(We later on our travels heard that a medical examination declared she was healed).

Today (Saturday), many churches are coming to a Conference from 11am ending at 9pm.

Well we have just finished – its now 10:30 pm.

Keir brought a strong vision and direction word to the churches and really spoke straight into their lives.

In the evening we spoke on healing, and people came in from ‘off the streets’, not knowing Jesus and God in His mercy healed them:

A little toddler, who had a deformed foot and leg, had his leg and foot grow to match the other one, his one foot was smaller than the other and his leg shorter than the other. He began to walk all over the big room and began to run feeling so excited about his new freedom. His mother who was an unbeliever now believes.

A young man who had a muscle problem in his foot (ex drug addict with muscular dystrophy) could move it when he felt an extreme heat, and supernatural strength return to his legs. He kept walking around the room testing his foot in every way possible with the toddler romping around him at the same time. His immediate family became believers.

The elders had never seen so many outsiders coming in and said ‘this is truly amazing, something has changed’. They are so, so encouraged.

The church on Sunday was packed. The elders said it was unusually full. The worship was amazing and Keir preached on the Passionate church.

The presence of God was so tangible. The interpreter was close to tears, during the message.

Four responded to the salvation call, which in Poland is amazing. People came up and gave testimonials of what God had done:

One was so excited that her work colleagues had come to hear the gospel. One of the ladies sons had such a bad swollen foot and literally went down before her eyes. The boy was amazed…we all were. God loves these poor folk who have been battered and bruised by communism. There are many fatherless people here in Poland. They do not know the love and security of a father.

We also went to a ladies house who was bed ridden with a stroke. When she heard we were from Africa, she was overwhelmed and she kissed my hand continually (Callie) and wept tears on it. After prayer she told us that a great sadness had lifted. The grandson in that fatherless household had wandered away from God and as Keir told him about the ‘prodigal son’ coming back he prayed with Keir asking God the Father to accept him. What a wonderful God we serve.

2nd Report.

We then drove about 2hrs to a village church, which was packed. Ministered to lots of people:

A lady on crutches left them behind and walked home.

A young boy had partial blindness and he had his vision cleared.

A homeless man gave his life to Jesus and felt his body straighten out. He had had pain for many years.

On Monday we do a healing meeting and leave very early in Tuesday to travel to near the Czech republic border 7 hours away.

This was the city of Cieszyn.

We ministered three nights into the church with powerful results.

Next was the city of Siedlce near Warsaw. A long drive.

Our time in Siedilce was a God moment for the church. A true word in season for them and greatly encouraged.

A young girl gained her sight. After laying hands on her eyes she could see clearly and was speechless – and hugged us all and sobbed on her mothers shoulder. Really touched by the mercy of God.

3rd Report.

The next day we travelled to Biala Podlaski, and immediately preached 3 sessions during the day and ministered for 3 hrs. to individuals. I cannot list what God did – so much. It was a long 8hr day of ministry.

Sunday was again filled with his presence, and the evening service worship was…. well through the testimony of 3 worship team musicians; ‘Angels were singing with us’. Honestly we sang in tongues in waves for at least 15mins. with perfect sound in voice and instruments. This is an amazing church: their prayer meetings are two hours long with 80% attendance. People are moving back from other cities to be where the church is. In one year the sensitivity to the Holy Spirit is markedly evident. People in the bus stops, shops talk about God, and people are being saved. This was a special weekend.

As you read this it would seem we are over boasting about what is happening. Believe me we are trying to honor God and play it down. This is a trip that has seemed to be in His will, perfect.


In summary of Poland tour:

  • 8 churches visited.
  • 3 conferences.
  • Countless healing’s, salvations.
  • Massive favor and requests to return and, a new church plant about to happen in Tarnov.

We have just left Georgia, for Dresden in Germany.

4th Report: Summary of our trip in Georgia:

A very friendly people, as the airport welcome is “Tbilisi loves you”. The hospitality is what they are really proud of and go out their way to please. As they say, ‘The Georgian dinner table is their academy’ – where real socializing takes place.

There are three primary church groups that work together (not in competition) and do functions together, like outreaches, musical gatherings and youth camps Youth events are big here.

They are into church planting with signs and wonders.

We went to a church every day, and they are able to rally the people, as there is huge unemployment. The churches ranged from 50 to 1200 in number. The largest being the Pentecostal main church in the city of Tbilisi.

We were a team of:

  • Ps Tomasz Manko – who I first met in Poland 14yrs ago. He is pastor of a church in Radzyn Podlaski. This is the town Gosha got outa the wheelchair and through that an open door to the nation.
  • Story of Gosha, and many more in the book, “A Weapon in his hands”
  • Please read the book: “A Weapon in his hands” www.newchapterbookstore.co.za.
  • https://www.google.co.za/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=1&ved=0ahUKEwilgbLVssLJAhVERBQKHekqDr4QFggKMAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fkeirtayler.com%2Fa-weapon-in-his-hand%2F&usg=AFQjCNHQCxdOQ4uJT_ft-ouvyrXCF1ZxjA    amazon and kindle version available .
  • Ps Arek Obsieszko, a budding evangelist. I met him in Poland about 13 years ago and he has translated in a number of meetings for me.
  • My Callie, a real ‘trooper’.

So we each preached in the churches and then ministered to the people. There were so, so many healed. The word of God and the “team gift-mix” to the churches was powerful.

I am not boasting when I say they did not want us to leave.

The people: they are not Russian but Georgian. Not Slavic but Caucasian. Their language is totally different to Russian. Poverty is rampant, and some poorer than our own in RSA. They clung to us when we prayed for them, some weeping and hugging in desperation and hope of a better life. With 70% unemployment they could gather the church quickly in mid-week meetings.

Their grasp and response to the gospel was instant, with many agreeing, laughing and nodded heads with big smiles. For us it was heart-gripping realizing that Russia had had a big presence in Georgia, only three years ago. Pain is seen on their tense faces.

They want us back – there is an open nation, and they want us to help.

One word I kept hearing everywhere – “revival.”

Tbilisi – we come again.

5th Report In Germany:

Weather around 2C often, and the odd snowdrop is refreshing.

Our time here has been so good:

  • Our visit to Miessen was timely for them and had good personal time with Christoph and Marian.
  • We drove 6 hrs up to Nordhorn for a Northern Region Impulse (RTT). We arrived a little late – during worship – and then did two sessions. The presence of the Holy Spirit was so tangible.
  • The next day the first session seemed to carry on from the last-nights. Healing, prophetic, infilling and more. A wonderful time. About 80 leaders returned home recharged.
  • Sunday morning we ministered twice into the Nordhorn hosting church. A huge response to the word of God. It has been such a fruitful trip.

We have had up to now 2 days of absolutely no ministry in a month. Such a joy to preach and demonstrate His mercy and compassion to nations. We are looking forward to our Dec. break.

Love to you all, Thank you so much for your prayers and thoughts as we, with friends, advance in the apostolic calling to the nations.


Should you want ‘sponsor financially’ a trip we can do – please contact me directly keir@handinhand.co.za

Opprotunities in 2016:

  1. Mexico: 9-16 May
  2. Zimbabwe: Sengwa Crusade (in Lake Kariba Zimbabwe) 11-24 July
  3. Mozambique: Xai-Xai Leadership Conference 2-8 August
  4. Poland: 7-20 September
  5. Brazil: 10-25 October
  6. Greece (Athens): 1-7 November