Poland updates

Poland updates

Poland updates 150 150 Keir Tayler

We have been in four towns already where several churches gather to hear the Word.  We have been so very blessed to see the changes since we were here two years ago and how they have grown and implemented New Testament church principals.
The first town was Swidnik and they were all so excited to have Keir back and to tell him what has happened to them and how they are praying every day for Revival in Poland.  It was a great time of heart connections and I was amazed at how much they love and respect Keir.
The next day we travelled an hour and a half to Radzin where the church was full and expectant. Many miracles have happened in this small church over the nine years and again God proved himself faithful. A man who was crippled first gave his heart to Jesus and left his crutch behind as he was totally healed. A woman with terrible calcification in neck and shoulders was laughing for joy as she could swing her arms and move her neck. A lady healed of breathing problems. Another of a chronic disease for which she was going for an MRI scan free from excruciating pain and so it went on.  How exciting it is to see our Lord through His Spirit operate in people’s lives and set them free from these bondages.
We then went to the town of Parcewz. A vibrant expectant gathering of three churches awaited us.  Gods presence was evident and they were so so happy we had come back to minister as the prophetic Word given them two years ago was evident in the church.  Again God confirmed his Word with salvations and people being baptized in the Holy Spirit and healed in many different things legs backs feet etc many many.  It was a glorious time.  From there we have moved to Hrubieszow for two nights. We are expectant for the Holy Spirit to move here as many people are oppressed and downcast.   It is a lot of moving and ministering and sleeping in some very strange places but worth every minute when I see how much they love Keir and the presence of God.  They are fervent in praying and excited in God!!!