Monthly Archives :

December 2013

Stand @ the Door!

Stand @ the Door! 150 150 Keir Tayler

The soldier stands at a door in an aircraft gazing into what he may hope to conquer. It reminds me of where we are gazing into 2014 hoping it will be a better year than 2013. What has this soldier not done? In the special forces military training a soldier had to become “para-trained’ among…

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UK and Home.

UK and Home. 150 150 Keir Tayler

Our final part of the long six weeks was spent firstly, in Northwich with Mike and Glynnis Moore, who lead Connextion Church. We had some folk gather in their home one evening and the presence of God just came in such a deep way…we were all aware and some responded with spontaneous prayer and worship.…

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The last leg …

The last leg … 150 150 Keir Tayler

Warrington is where we will minister for a few days. It’s been a very busy time and we have ministered just about every day during the week and weekend except when we are traveling (which we have done a lot of). It has all been worth it as we have seen and felt the presence…

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